Mission, Vision & Goals
MISSION: To support the development of homeopathic medicine in Ghana through education and clinical practice and for homeopathy to be a recognized system of healing throughout the country
VISION: Homeopathy as a vital part of an integrated approach to healthcare in Ghana
GOALS: The following goals have been the focus of the work of GHP since 2005
- The development of homeopathic medicine in Ghana through offering introductory and professional training programmes on the principles and practice of Classical Homeopathy
- To partner with homeopaths in Ghana and support the development of active homeopathic clinics throughout the country.
- To support the evolution of homeopathic professionals through supporting practitioners in their ongoing training, clinical support and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programmes.
- To support the recognition of Homeopathy in Ghana through working with other health and governmental bodies and for homeopathy to be a recognized system of healing in the country.
- To offer international homeopaths the opportunity to volunteer in Ghana, gaining experience of Homeopathy in Africa while at the same time supporting the Ghanaian homeopathic community.