Linda above on the far left in the sun at Kokrobite with Angie, Emperor & Ingrid
The inspiration and vision of this project came through Linda Shannon, an experienced homeopath in UK. She had the intuition to go to Ghana to benefit the local community but initially no contacts with which to take it forward. She waited.
After a while, as the the way things sometimes work, a friend and experienced midwife, who knew of Linda’s vision, was going to teach midwives in Ghana and suggested Linda go with her to offer some homeopathic training alongside midwifery and to see if local people were interested in further training and clinics.
So in 2005 contacts were made in a tiny village of Mafi Seva (152 km East from Accra) in the Volta region of Ghana. There, the charity AMURT Ghana had, working together with local people, constructed a reservoir and filtration system providing clean water to 25 villages. Other AMURT programmes include a Primary health care centre with midwifery clinic, community health education programmes, sexual health counselling and a pathology lab. (The Ghanaian government now runs both of these)
Emperor Tsamenyi was director of this Primary Care Centre and effective clean water project and immediately was inspired by homeopathy and wanted to learn about it as an addition to the health care available for his people.
Initially, there is a lot of adjusting to do in a new country and culture, both personally and to the illnesses seen. Much to Linda’s surprise there were good results from the simple first aid remedies that were available and taught to Emperor in the first instance. From the homeopathic point of view the natural vitality of the people was such that they responded positively to the remedies given.
A few other people were introduced to the then basic remedies in Accra, the capital of Ghana, and after a short course were given a 24 remedy homeopathic kit, donated from Helios Pharmacy UK. Due to local demand Linda was back the following year to continue the teaching she had started!
Over the years since then, there have been many developments and occasional set backs as one might expect but the project is thriving, shaped by the interest and enthusiasm of the people involved in Ghana, in UK and internationally. It has been exciting to watch the project gradually emerge over the years to form our present structure. Year by year this has been documented in the Newsletter .
In 2008-9 there was good contact made with the Traditional and Alternative Medicine Directorate of Ghana who have been supportive of the work done by GHP.
Many other homeopaths from UK, USA and Europe have volunteered, taught and treated patients in the different clinics. Courses have developed, certificates awarded, visits to India for experience arranged and funded with return trips from experienced Indian homeopaths to teach and treat in Ghana. Some volunteers were able to give specialised teaching in their own area of expertise such as: midwifery, wound treatment and diabetes.
The Mafi Seva clinic is now in Mafi Kumase, a few miles away, in a purpose-built clinic envisioned, set up and run by Emperor Tsamenyi. Here volunteers and practitioners can have regular clinic experience.
There are clinics in Kumasi (4-5 hours drive north from Accra), in the Ashanti region, in Kasoa, Tema, Accra, and PramPram supported by the GHP General Coordinator, Caroline Jurdon from UK and other visiting volunteer homeopaths.
We have recently had 22 more graduates embarking on building their practices and subject to supervision, CPD and encouraged to join our new Ghanaian charity HEPA for registration to practice in the country.

Linda on bench far right, beside Julius.
Jacqueline on left next to Emperor with
Angie, Ingrid & Grace in back


Sad loss of one of our co-founders of the Ghana Homeopathy Project who passed away, 21st Feb 2023. Forever grateful and who will be remembered for her huge generosity of spirit and feisty nurturing of the project’s growth for almost fifteen years.

Tribute from Emperor.
It was unbearable shock that rocked us when the sad news of your demise was broken to us. We hold the strongest conviction about life and death and we know there is no everlasting mortal but never expected your death at this time when we most needed your services to humanity. You contributed the best to the shaping of GHP in Ghana through your hard work and we salute you though you are no longer with us and never shall we see you again but your name, Mama Angie as we affectionately call you, will remain forever with the project. We have not forgotten your caring and generosity anytime in Ghana and India. You were our pillar in Ghana and India most especially during our outreach clinics at towns over the banks of the huge Volta river. It was even through your effort that we had many foreign homeopaths in Ghana including the two Indian doctors.
> Mama Angie we love you but God loves you best so fare thee well and rest in the bosom of the almighty.

Tribute from Soroush
Angie was a great lady loved by many. Her memory will remain in our hearts. I remember a line of poetry on the dashboard of a taxi in Tehran about the car. It read: ‘This has been given to us in trust (by the Almighty) so that we can earn our sustenance; In truth, the real owner is God.’ I’ve learnt that everything is a temporary gift given to us in trust and the real owner can recall it at any time. It is how we behave towards that gift that matters. And perhaps this helps with the grief of losing something that we had been used to having. May she rest in peace. We are from the Lord, and unto him we shall return.

Tribute from Noble Kpogo
ANGELIKA METZGER, you represented GHP, a UK charity, during our international travels ensuring we acquired good clinical training as qualified Homeopaths. Today we have lots of qualified clinicians operating various Homeopathic clinics in Ghana and beyond. Your contributions are fondly remembered. Thank you to all GHP, UK members past and present for the opportunities given us. Thank you once again ANGELIKA METZGER for your kind services to humanity. We are always grateful: Emperor, Ken, Noble and the rest of the team in Ghana. Rest in perfect peace,Madam Angie.

FOR ANGIE, each time we met in Ghana brought a deeper sense of sisterhood. Sharing life experiences and innermost thoughts with kindness, as human contact should be. I liked your fire and your fun! Safe transition onwards. May your sparkling spirit fly high, fly free. Much love,- Grace
Angie loved Africa (being married to an African should be enough proof!) – she also loved homeopathy (her chosen profession). Therefore, it was easy for Angie to devote herself to a charity that promotes homoeopathy in Africa. She gave so much of herself to this cause. In African tradition, people don’t die. Especially impactful people. They just transition to the village of the ancestors, where freed from the limitations of the physical world, they are able to make an even more powerful impact. We were so honoured to have had Angie in our midst walking and working with us for our noble cause over these many years since the inception of the Ghana Homoeopathy Project (Homoeopathy in Africa). We are now so honoured to have such an illustrious ancestor working for our cause in the spirit world and judging by the pledges and donations that have already been coming in since her passing, it seems like Angie has wasted no time in making an even greater impact.
Angie, you will live forever in our hearts and in our works; and even when we are all gone, your impact will continue forever as long as there is homoeopathy in Ghana. – Bonsu